[연구회지-]TerraKorea2011-3(한국흙건축연구회지 창간호)-국제흙건축컨퍼런스, 흙건축주거개선사업



37   2011 유네스코 국제흙건축 컨퍼런스

71  네팔 꺼이날리 주거개선사업

75  필리핀 프라리델지역 주거개선사업

2011 International Conference on Earthen Architecture in Asia

유네스코 국제흙건축 컨퍼런스 TERRASIA 2011

공식적으로 아시아에서는 최초로 흙건축컨퍼런스를 한국에서 개최함으로 해서 흙건축연구분야의 선두적 역할 수행

-한국의 축적된 흙건축분야의 연구성과를 홍보함과 동시에 국제적 평가기회 부여

-아시아 지역의 학술적 상호교류를 통한 흙건축의 문화적 차이점과 공통점 재평가

-아시아의 전통 건축문화중 흙건축에 대한 국제적 인지도 향상과 한국 전통 흙건축 인지 제고

-지구환경측면에서 지속가능 발전을 위한 국제적 동향에 동참

-흙건축의 우수성을 국제무대에 소개


Theme 1. History of earthen architecture in Asi and other regions of the world

Sub Theme 1-1 Archaeological sites and histrorical monuments

1) Development of earthen architecture in Iran 

2) Earthen architecture in South Korean archaeology: Understanding values.

3) Preventive conservation of the monuments in Merv, Turkmenistan

4) 3D visualization of historical earthen structures for the documentation of the deterioration process and conservation works.

   -Case study for the ancient Buddhist monastery

5) Construction work in Mesopotamia in the time of the third dynasty of UR(end of the third Millennium BC)

Sub Theme 1-2 Vernacular architecture and traditional building cultures

1) A regional study on earthen buildings in Bangladesh

2) Indigenous knowledge on the formation and planning development of earthen historical village of Khoor

3) Dominant role of earth brick in shaping the physical environment of Shushtar

4) The role of environmental factors in the formation of the architecture of earthen castles-in the central Iranian plateau

5) Tobacco curing barns in Gosanri-An examle of vernacular earthen architecture in Korea

6) The characteristics and construction technology of traditional earthen materials by researching Uigwe(the official records of courts events) of Joseon dynasty

Theme 2. Actuality and prospects for earthen architecture in Asia and other regions of the world

Sub Theme 2-1 Fundamental investigations on the material, research and development(R&D)

1) Modern trends and forecast of earth materials in korea

2) Basic experiment by using micro organism and earth material

3) From <builders' grains> to <matter workshop>-Pedagogical tools for earthen material understanding

4) Building codes and standards in earth building-current situation in Germany

5) Priority research directions in earthen architecture for the Republic of Korea

6) Badgir, earthen resistant structure 

7) Experimental investigation on the anti seismic effectiveness of textile-fibbers net applied on earthen buildings

8) Low-cost housing in underdeveloped countries-Simple strategies for a more sustainable construction

9) Study on high strengthening of earth wall utilizing earth and high performance lime

Sub Theme 2-2 Architectural design and sustainable development

1) Egypt and Hassan Fathy's ideas after the 25th of January 2011-how can we write the history of the future?

2) underground contemporary buildings-Portugal and Turkey

3) Sustainable education in earth building-Experiences of the Dachverband Lehm e.v.(DVL)m Germany

4) Application of geotextile reinforcements in a mud structure in Morocco-modelling of its seismic mechanical behaviour 

5) earthen architecture, Chung Gu-Yon and works of Guyon architects associates

6) Current situation and outlook of earth building in China

7) Demonstration study of earth-based rebuilding of earthquake-strucken villages in Southwestern China

8) Design and construction proposal for EP construction method of environment friendly material earth wall