Results from tests for what mixing rate of soil and sand is proper for the rammed earth and for how much additives are optimum are as under.
1) In the test to evaluate what mixing rate of soil and sand is desirable, peptizing property and surface sticking rate are found similar in its degree, but compression strength is found most stable when the ratio of soil and sand mixing shows 30:70 which indicates the best mixing rate of soil and sand.
2) In a test to add hydrated lime, compression strength, peptizing property, and surface sticking rate are found best when the mixing rate of soil and sand shows 23:7.
3) In a test to add sea weeds, the peptizing property goes down at 75% of sea weeds input a little bit more than at 100%, but compression strength shows best at 75% which is thought to be the best rate.
4) In a drop test, more soil powder mixed, the sticking strength gets better and more sands are contained, the sticking strength gets far worse to be scattered in powder type.
5) As concluding all results mentioned in the above item, the most desirable mixing rate of soil, sand, and hydrated lime is found to be 23:7:70 for the rammed earth where compression strength, peptizing property, and surface sticking rate are best
한국생태환경건축학회 논문집
황혜주, 김태훈, 양준혁
키워드 : 흙다짐, 친환경건축, 황토, 흙건축
Results from tests for what mixing rate of soil and sand is proper for the rammed earth and for how much additives are optimum are as under.
1) In the test to evaluate what mixing rate of soil and sand is desirable, peptizing property and surface sticking rate are found similar in its degree, but compression strength is found most stable when the ratio of soil and sand mixing shows 30:70 which indicates the best mixing rate of soil and sand.
2) In a test to add hydrated lime, compression strength, peptizing property, and surface sticking rate are found best when the mixing rate of soil and sand shows 23:7.
3) In a test to add sea weeds, the peptizing property goes down at 75% of sea weeds input a little bit more than at 100%, but compression strength shows best at 75% which is thought to be the best rate.
4) In a drop test, more soil powder mixed, the sticking strength gets better and more sands are contained, the sticking strength gets far worse to be scattered in powder type.
5) As concluding all results mentioned in the above item, the most desirable mixing rate of soil, sand, and hydrated lime is found to be 23:7:70 for the rammed earth where compression strength, peptizing property, and surface sticking rate are best