[국내학술논문-]흙타설 벽체의 현장 시공 가능성 검토



황혜주, 강남이, 양준혁

석회복합체, 흙타설공법, 흙, 압축강도, 기계화 시공, 시공성

In event of selecting construction materials, taking ones found easily around make embodied energy saved. The earth construction could be an eco-friendly engineering from a views of keeping the embodied energy. The pour earth method construction, as one of earth constructions, improves liquidity of earth-mixed properties to build walls or foundations. This study is aimed at evaluating possibilities as to machinery constructions using pumping cars or excavators to be applied on natural non-dried earth which are purchased from sites neighboring to subject building.

The study showed that the pumping car used construction was smoothly carried out without any remarkable difficulties and further, a compressed strength was found to keep a certain degree to possibly construct low-story buildings. However, it showed some different levels as to a compressed strength by locations of buildings. In the construction course, we couldn't use remicon plants or a remicon due to field conditions and we are forced to take excavators in compounding or mixing works. But, it is evaluated that actually liquidity or compressed strength will be better than in case of using machineries like remicon plants. These results make us determine that the wall construction using machineries is possible.