송설영, 송승영, 황혜주
키워드 : 흙집, 흙 건축재료, 열 물성, 열환경
As a demand for sustainable development rises, the preference for earth house (earth construction) increases gradually. However, there are few data for predicting and evaluating the thermal environment of earth house. Thus, this study aims to measure thermal properties(thermal conductivity, density, specific heat) of current main earth construction materials for comparison of difference between cement and earth construction materials. In addition, temperatures of test rooms made of cement and earth construction materials are measured during July and August. As results, quantitative thermal properties of current main earth construction materials are shown. In the aspect of thermal comfort, earth construction materials are a little bit better than cement construction materials. However, it is not good to apply only the earth mortar in place of cement mortar for an inside finish to the existing cement structure.
송설영, 송승영, 황혜주
키워드 : 흙집, 흙 건축재료, 열 물성, 열환경
As a demand for sustainable development rises, the preference for earth house (earth construction) increases gradually. However, there are few data for predicting and evaluating the thermal environment of earth house. Thus, this study aims to measure thermal properties(thermal conductivity, density, specific heat) of current main earth construction materials for comparison of difference between cement and earth construction materials. In addition, temperatures of test rooms made of cement and earth construction materials are measured during July and August. As results, quantitative thermal properties of current main earth construction materials are shown. In the aspect of thermal comfort, earth construction materials are a little bit better than cement construction materials. However, it is not good to apply only the earth mortar in place of cement mortar for an inside finish to the existing cement structure.