[국내학술논문-]석회를 활용한 전통 흙건축 기술에 관한 기초 연구



황혜주, 강남이

Many countermeasures are presented to make excessive earth circumstance pollution better in the earth. A lot of researches are in progress to lessen CO2 among the industries exhausting it. The industries manufacturing cement are making many countermeasures. Many concernments on ECO-friendly materials, rather than cement, are increased, and researches are in progress to develop them. Lime, material mostly used before Portland cement appeared, attracts the Occident as well as the Orient. In the Occident, lime mortar was used in common, for maintaining and repairing cultural properties, too.

This study is aimed at offering basic materials for the modern use of lime, ECO-friendly material. This study measured the change of intensity and weight with lime, sand, and earth, basic materials of Samhoimool. As a result, at the beginning, hydrated lime displayed its density late, but as time was gone, density was promoted continuously. In addition, density was promoted, when it was given heat at the beginning. If heat-generation reaction of quicklime and water was used, density was promoted at the beginning, but liquidity showed a drop.